Mojaloop Community Central

Michael Richards
Michael Richards

Posted on

DA Meeting minutes 2023-08-30


Minutes of DA Meeting 2023-08-30





  • Report on actions from last meeting
    • SK: Go ahead with moving the Alias oracle to a new public repository
    • SK: ensure that document is clear about testing with latest component releases.
    • SK: add to Mojaloop documentation to be clearer about what support we offer and how to obtain it.
    • SK: Two factor authentication in GitHub
  • Terraform fork and its implications for MLF (All)
  • Closing outstanding issues (All)
  • AOB


  • Actions from previous meeting
    • Repository will be created today
  • Terraform
    • Day 1 problems are OK, but how well will this be maintained? Hard to tell at the moment
    • TD: We should try it out... If they're equivalent, we just need to change our provider location. If not, then what?
    • JB: Nothing we can do except see what happens...
    • JB: Wording of Terraform licence leaves it up to Hashicorp to decide whether you're competing or not. This might be a problem.
    • TD: we might have an alternative...?
    • MR: does this represent a business model that we should guard against?
    • PB: we should wait and see...
    • JB: agreed.
    • PSB: Hashicorp current position... They've gone too far and rowed back
  • Closing issues
    • 103: Action for core team to check that code still works.
    • 91: TD to check where documentation is and report back.
  • AOB
    • JB to present on invariants next week.


  • SK: Create issue on core backlog to check issue 103.
  • TD: Check where documentation is on issue 93 and report back with a view to closing.

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