Mojaloop Community Central

Cover image for Product Council: Prioritisation of Candidate Workstreams
Paul Makin
Paul Makin

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Product Council: Prioritisation of Candidate Workstreams

At today's Product Council, we reviewed the Mojaloop Roadmap's "backlog" of candidate workstreams. The purpose of this was to identify candidates that are no longer relevant, those that have changed or need updating, and those that are either urgent or high priority, with a view to adding some to the Roadmap. All of this is against the backdrop of the migration to Baobab, which will itself consume a significant part of the resources of the Mojaloop Community.

The results of today's workshop will be reflected in updates to the Mojaloop Roadmap in the coming days.

The recording and transcript of today's meeting, together with the presentation materials used, can be found here:

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