Mojaloop Community Central

Megan Skinner
Megan Skinner

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Community Council minutes 2024-07-08

MEETING ATTENDEES: Alain Kajangwe, Johan Foley, Reica Rampersadh, Sridevi Miriyala, Simeon Oriko, Megan Skinner, Megan Cannon, Sam Kummary, Michael Richards

Simeon welcomed the group and reviewed the agenda.

Simeon reviewed the minutes for the 13 May and 10 June meeting. Quorum was achieved, and the minutes were approved.

Simeon shared and reviewed the Mojaloop Contribution Acceptance Guide. The group discussed a document that is currently under review by the Design Authority (DA), which outlines the contribution process. This document confirms that contributions need DA approval and must meet three criteria: testing, adherence to proper code standards, and documentation. Once the document is approved, this process will be incorporated into the Mojaloop Contribution Acceptance Guide under the Technical section. It was also noted that the definition of “complete” should be flexible to allow for partial releases.

Additional suggestions included:

  • Adding an exception in the Governance section for “Project discussions and interactions SHOULD be held in public.”
  • Linking the contribution guide and Code of Conduct.
  • Defining “contribution” in the context of the document, with Reica agreeing to draft this definition.
  • Providing more details on “explicit exceptions” in the Legal section for “Projects MUST NOT include software with unapproved or restricted licenses in Mojaloop releases unless following explicit exceptions.”

Simeon agreed to update the document with any necessary changes and post it on Slack for the Community Council to provide feedback. It was emphasized that one of Mojaloop’s initiatives is to make it easier for people to contribute and the document should reflect that initiative.

Simeon shared and reviewed the Mojaloop Contribution Acceptance Form. It was noted that this form is used for contributions that are close to a complete state. Contributions at the beginning stages should start at the Product Council.

Summary of Action Items

  • Reica to draft the definition of "contribution” in the context of the Mojaloop Contribution Acceptance Guide.
  • Simeon to update the Mojaloop Contribution Acceptance Guide with any necessary changes and post it on Slack for the Community Council to provide feedback.

4.0 AOB
Simeon announced that the Mojaloop Online Open Source Community Meeting starts on 9 July. The registration link, an optional Zoom background, and the agenda can be found on the webpage. The agenda can also be found on Sessionize.

Simeon provided an update on the TGB Task Force, which was formed to review and restructure the Design Authority (DA). Simeon confirmed that a proposed model is currently under discussion. If you have any feedback on the Mojaloop Design Authority, please fill out the questionnaire.

The meeting was adjourned at 09:58 AM ET.

Please click here to view the meeting recording. The password is: 2FTMgTj^

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