I thought I would update everyone on the FRMS project.
We are not doing weekly community meetings at the moment, the reality is we are not launched from that standpoint yet and the product launch will be in Q3/Q4. I have an entire governance process that needs to be worked out as we move to the Linux Foundation (we think, nothing is done until it's done and all of the contracts are signed). The same applies to a name for the product and organization(Actio and FRMS CoE are working titles). Still, we hope to be well ahead of that time in involving more of the community.
We completed the MVP last April 2022 and have done some enhancements since then. But the reality is we are shoring things up and getting ready for the community. The MVP was a great success and to be honest, we are code-complete and mission ready, well beyond MVP. But we are performance tuning. This was an MVP with a deadline so we know that we can tighten and clean up the code as well as make other performance improvements.
For next steps, we have a code review scheduled for mid-April and I am sure that will affect the backlog. For this reason, we are not moving forward with changes and community involvement until after that. Although we are OSS, and you have access, we will really open things up more in a bit (May/June).
That said we are moving forward with several of you.
- BankServe Africa - in active field testing for use in TCIB.
- JOPACC (Jordanian Clearing House) - in active field testing to use for Instant Payments, ACH, and RTGS.
- WynePay - Awaiting the investment document from UNCDF
- BCEAO - onsite engagement in May
- COMESA - Discussing cross-border merchant system with Zambia/Malawi POC
There are others, but you get the point that we are not standing still while we wait for these two check points. In fact, we also are having open, and early, discussions with Stop the Traffic about modern-day slavery detection options and working to find the right industry partners for both that area and women's/gender bias issues surrounding financial inclusion.
I realize that we are not a standard Mojaloop project but are important to Pillar 1. We are ready to go with Mojaloop based projects as you saw at the last convening.
Thank you for your support and patience while we stand the Center of Excellence up throughout this year.
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