Mojaloop Community Central

Paul Makin
Paul Makin

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The Process Towards vNext Adoption - An Update

To provide clarity on the Mojaloop Foundation's vNext release, the Foundation would like to outline the progress made since Paul Makin detailed the adoption plan. As a reminder, vNext is a technical rewrite of the Mojaloop platform, designed to further enhance scalability and maintainability through the use of TypeScript, and reduce operating costs. It is the practical implementation of the Mojaloop Reference Architecture.

  • Alpha Release: The first alpha version, released mid 2023, was feature-incomplete and intended strictly for evaluation by the Mojaloop Community. It was not suitable for Proof of Concept (PoC) or production use.
  • Beta Release: A beta version released December 2023 was reviewed by the Mojaloop team, with feedback documented in the Mojaloop vNext Path to Release Candidate Report (Feb 2024). This version remains incomplete, lacking critical use cases like Request-to-Pay, Third Party Payment Initiation, and security features. As a result, it will not be used for PoC deployments managed by the Foundation.
  • Release Candidate: A list of tasks required to make vNext a release candidate for PoC and production has been established, and a snapshot can be viewed here. These tasks include achieving feature parity and completing all Mojaloop release quality checks.

The Mojaloop Foundation is fully committed to advancing vNext. A dedicated workstream, led by James Bush, was launched in late 2023, and a transition manager (initially Jane Stroucken, followed by Julie Guetta) was hired in March 2024. to organize efforts and guide contributors in completing the critical tasks.

While the Foundation’s Engineering Director and Technical Director are focusing on key tasks, additional engineering resources are urgently needed to finalize vNext. If you’re interested in contributing, please join the conversation on:

Mojaloop Slack: #vnext-build

Zenhub board: Here

For any questions on deployment strategies, please contact Steve Haley, responsible for Mojaloop Foundation deployments or Julie Guetta, Transition Manager for vNext to provide guidance to potential adopters.

(Thank you to Julie for drafting this post)

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