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Cover image for New Design Authority (DA) Charter
Simeon Oriko for Mojaloop Foundation

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New Design Authority (DA) Charter

In recent months, the Technical Governing Board (TGB)convened a task force led by @bushj to re-examine the DA charter. This process involved soliciting input and feedback from across the Mojaloop community.

That process has concluded with the TGB recently voting to accept the proposed changes. See announcement on the [Mojaloop Blog here](

Overall, the new charter better reflects Mojaloop’s alignment with the best practices at world-class software development companies that ensure reliability, resilience, security, and regulatory compliance. There is also more emphasis on the close working relationship with the Product Council and ensuring that any changes to Mojaloop reflect the wider financial services and regulatory landscape. The new charter also provides more detail about the requirements for technical and business risk management processes, as well as end-to-end traceability, that will streamline future audits by regulatory authorities.

You can read the complete text of the new Design Authority charter here.

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