Mojaloop Community Central

Michael Richards
Michael Richards

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Design authority agenda and minutes 2023-04-05


Here are the agenda and minutes from yesterday's Design Authority meeting. Please post any comments as replies to this post.




DA Agenda:

5th April 2023

  • Issue 100: Mojaloop should adopt mini-loop AND its stated design goals (TD)
  • Invariants Document (MR)
  • AOB


  • Issue 100 (TD)
    • TD: Will suspend this and talk to the Product Council
    • SK: Does this follow the contribution guide? Can we see it?
    • PSB: There is no useful contributors' guide. The existing guide is for enhancements, not for new products
    • SO: Showed the Contribution Acceptance Guide.
    • PSB: Contributors' guide is not adequate, needs to be improved for large projects.
    • SO: TD should submit contribution acceptance form, then SO will notify the various groups who need to respond.
    • SO: Please send process flows that exist so they can be discussed in the Community Council
    • SO: Highlight the product goals.
    • TD: A lot of detail missing from the workstream definitions. TD has already promised to expand those for his workstreams. This should be done generally.
  • DA Draft Charter (MR)
    • PSB:some overlap with reference architecture and DA charter.
    • PSB:What is the right level for this document? Some is high level and some is quite detailed.
    • PSB:Should we remove the HTTP stipulation? Belongs in the interface definitions.
    • MdB:fair point, but the interface was developed with these standards in mind...


  • JF: suggest improvements to the contribution acceptance scheme document. Discuss at next DA
  • MR: talk to Paul Makin about ensuring that all workstreams have definitions of their objectives.
  • No meeting next week

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