Minutes of DA Meeting 2023-12-065
- Paul Baker paul.baker@infitx.com (PB)
- Jason Bruwer jason.bruwer@coil.com (JB)
- James Bush jbush@mojaloop.io (JB)
- Karim Jindani karim.jindani@paysyslabs.com (KJ)
- Vijay Kumar Vijay.Kumar@infitx.com (VK)
- Sam Kummary skummary@mojaloop.io (SK)
- Paul Makin pmakin@mojaloop.io (PM)
- Simeon Oriko simeonoriko@gmail.com (SO)
- Michael Richards Michael.Richards@infitx.com (MR) (Chair)
- Aung Thaw Aye AungThaw.Aye@thitsaworks.com AT
- Report on actions from last meeting
- Post the DA charter somewhere public
- Transition (SO)
- vNext NFRs (JB)
- Actions from previous meeting
- Post the DA charter somewhere public
- Will be on docs.mojaloop.io (SO)
- Da charter up for review by community in January
- Transitioning (SO)
- Congratulations to newly elected members
- Welcome to Karim and Vijay
- MR has served as chair for 2 years. Received the applause of a grateful public. DA needs to elect a chair.
- New system: DA will have co-chairs, 1 from MLF, 1 from community. Community co-chair is senior.
- Co-chair from MLF is JB.
- Elected members can stand, all members can vote.
- MR disqualified by charter from standing again. Eligible: Aung, Karim, Vijay, Paul Baker.
- vNext NFRs (JB)
- Product council call discussed road to release candidate for Baobab.
- Assessment process for vNext will kick off as soon as beta is available.
- Process is to compare beta against existing codebase in terms of functionality, but also NFRs.
- Call for assistance.
- PB: What is required? JB: should be simple. Replication of databases, resilience, redundancy.
- Could be research-driven. Is best practice being followed?
- We're assessing the code that's been delivered.
- Kafka is the same in both; new codebase has Mongo instead of Kafka.
- MR: event-driven nature of vNext may require new NFRs.
- Must avoid negative framing: MUST rather than MUST NOT.
- SK: could we look at an example? JB: replication of data in a database. vNow can use synchronous replication in production (MySql 8) so writes are guaranteed to have been persisted on a quorum of targets before success is reported.
- Are there single points of failure? We should have other instances of every service.
- System should be able to continue processing even if components are in a degraded state. Does this have to be answered in the same way in both systems?
- MR: is there a relationship with the invariants? JB: yes, but there are some NFRs missing from them. We should review.
- PB: interested , but worried about time... JB: will send links to documents and ask for review, invite to call to discuss issues. Interested: VK
- VK: documentation? MR: SO will publish charter, and there is an issues list. MR to publish.
- JB: store the invariants document in GitHub in MarkDown
- MR: publish link to GitHub issues
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