Mojaloop Community Central

Maia Porter
Maia Porter

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Community Council Minutes 2024-09-30

Simeon Oriko, Johan Foley, Alain Kajangwe, James Bush, Kyeyoung Shin, Kim Walters, Sridevi Miriyala, Sam Kummary, Megan Cannon, Maia Porter

Simeon welcomed the group and reviewed the agenda.

The minutes were approved by eBallot.


To support the strategic growth of the Mojaloop Foundation and to attract new clients, the Foundation would like to increase the number of individuals and groups actively contributing to the workstreams. The 30 September CoCo meeting was therefore dedicated to discussing ways in which to encourage increased participation in workstreams, and to identify blockers/obstacles to workstream engagement.

• Simeon shared an overview of the current workstreams; active workstreams are visible on the Community Central workstream dashboard.
• There is a renewed focus on accelerator programs, trying to get those participants to contribute to specific workstreams
• Paula Hunter has reached out to the CEOs of most major MLF organizations inquiring about their plans and involvement in helping to finish work.

Discussion Summary:
Johan: What motivates someone to be part of a workstream or to lead? If we can find out the motivation for current workstreams, we can address that and formalize it for future workstreams.

Simeon: Deployment is the #1 motivator; wherever there is a deployment, there is a lot of activity.
• Clear communication of requirements tends to lead to more engagement.
• When requirements are hazy, that dampens motivation.
• Sometimes an RFP generates a lot of interest, especially when very clear requirements are expressed.
• If the client agrees to Proof of Concept, they accelerate.
• When adopter decides to go to MLF with an RFP & clear requirements, those tend to get prioritization at the Product Council & roadmap

Alain: What can we do to motivate those without an existing project to engage in workstreams?

Kim: It can be overwhelming for new members to come in, would be good to pair new users with a mentor to shepherd them and guide initial contributions.

• Identifying and offering easy/simple new contribution tasks in low impact and tangible ways will help them to engage.
• If each workstream had shepherding process, contact person, and applicable low-impact work items.
• An attempt should be made not to lose people in ‘first touch’ engagement.

Simeon: In a past survey, mentorship was listed as a major entrance point.
• Look for ways to formalize pairing new members with more experienced members for longer-term engagement.
• Onboarding documentation- providing a single ‘source of truth’ for anyone looking for how MLF works; this is tentatively parked on Community Central.
• Andy Widman is leading the ongoing effort to revamp the MLF documentation repository, intended to eliminate duplication and make it easier for people to navigate.
• Continued spotlight on people who joined the MLF community, including a blog series featuring individuals who aren’t necessarily typical contributors.
• These are stop-gap measures to showcase how others might be able to enter and engage in MLF community.
• We still need to improve onboarding, and identify ‘ladders of engagement’ from small tasks to leadership.

Summary of Possible Motivators:
• Clear requirements
• Proof of Concept
• Deployment
Summary of Possible Obstacles:
• Hazy requirements
• Unclear pathways to engage
• Lack of experience
• Lack of community mentorship
Summary of Possible Solutions:
• Mentorship
• Simplified workstream tasks
• Clear workstream entrance points and contacts
• Continued spotlighting of ‘atypical’ contributors
• Further development of onboarding and ‘ladders of engagement’

4.0 AOB
• Two new security-focused training courses, HUB 204 and DFSP 204, just launched.
• The TGB approved the new Design Authority charter, and nominations are under review. The DA will comprise 6 nominated members, 3 Mojaloop staff members, and workstream leads.
• The Workstream Guidelines have been approved and mid-PI reviews will be replaced with a monthly Workstream Leads call with Paul Makin.
• Paul will publish the dates and agendas on Community Central; the dashboard status of workstreams will be updated monthly following the Workstream Leads call.
• Fee waivers for the November 2024 Kigali meeting are available to all Council members. Simeon will distribute the codes via email.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:47AM EDT

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